Results for 'Sheldon Ives G. Agaton'

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  1. Christian Ethics in Health Care.Michael G. Sheldon - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (2).
    The central issue addressed in this CUP monograph is whether and how Christian ethics might be able to make a significant contribution to health care ethics today in the public forum of a Western, pluralistic society. It is the twenty-sixth monograph in the larger project (edited by Robin Gill) New Studies in Christian Ethics that has received considerable international attention. It offers a fresh basis for health care ethics derived from a detailed exegesis of the Synoptic virtues of compassion, care, (...)
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    The Wilderness Home of the Giant Panda.William B. Nutting & William G. Sheldon - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):346.
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    The Contribution and Philosophical Development of the Reformational Philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd and His Conversation with Dirk Vollenhoven.Jeremy G. A. Ive - 2022 - Philosophia Reformata 88 (1):1-25.
    This article builds on my previous article on Dirk H. Th. Vollenhoven (Ive 2015) and provides an overview of the development of the systematic philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. This article seeks to provide an overview of the key developments in the thinking of Dooyeweerd, both in the convergences arising from the conversation of the two brothers-in-law and long-term colleagues and in their divergences. Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven worked within the tradition of Abraham Kuyper, the father of Reformational philosophy. The development of (...)
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  4. Financial interests of authors in scientific journals: A pilot study of 14 publications.Sheldon Krimsky, L. S. Rothenberg, P. Stott & G. Kyle - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (4):395-410.
    Disclosure of financial interests in scientific research is the centerpiece of the new conflict of interest regulations issued by the U.S. Public Health Service and the National Science Foundation that became effective October 1, 1995. Several scientific journals have also established financial disclosure requirements for contributors. This paper measures the frequency of selected financial interests held among authors of certain types of scientific publications and assesses disclosure practices of authors. We examined 1105 university authors (first and last cited) from Massachusetts (...)
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    The Contribution and Philosophical Development of the Reformational Philosopher, Dirk H. Th. Vollenhoven.Jeremy G. A. Ive - 2015 - Philosophia Reformata 80 (2):159-177.
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    Authoritarianism and information processing.Sheldon G. Levy - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):240-242.
    Predicted relationships between media preference and authoritarianism were derived from theoretical and experimental studies. It was hypothesized that authoritarians would be more likely to believe their preferred media sources than would nonauthoritarians, and that the authoritarian’s position on political issues would be closer to the position represented by positively evaluated media but farther from the position of negatively evaluated media. Results from mail questionnaires obtained from 445 Detroit adults supported the hypotheses. Coercive force also was strongly related to authoritarianism when (...)
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    An examination of the relationship between systemic punishment and systemic frustration.Sheldon G. Levy - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (5):330-332.
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    Audience size and likelihood and intensity of response during a humorous movie.Sheldon G. Levy & William F. Fenley - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (6):409-412.
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    Feudal Control in Tokugawa Japan: The Sankin Kōtai SystemFeudal Control in Tokugawa Japan: The Sankin Kotai System.Charles D. Sheldon & Toshio G. Tsukahira - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (3):335.
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    Liberalism in search of its self.Tom G. Palmer & Sheldon L. Richman - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (1):144-148.
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    Academic-Corporate Ties in Biotechnology: A Quantitative Study.Robert Weissman, James G. Ennis & Sheldon Krimsky - 1991 - Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (3):275-287.
    The rapid commercialization of applied genetics in the mtd-1970s, accompanied by a sudden rise in academic-corporate partnerships, raised questions about the impacts these linkages have had on the social and professional norms of scientists. The extent and pattern of faculty tnvolvement in commercialization of biological research is largely an unexplored area. This article provcdes a quantitative assessment of the linkages between biology faculty in American uncverscties and the newly formed biotechnology industry. The results of thes study, covering the period 1985-88, (...)
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    Ethical Responsibility for the Social Production of Tuberculosis.Seiji Yamada, Sheldon Riklon & Gregory G. Maskarinec - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (1):57-64.
    Approximately one in two hundred persons in the Marshall Islands have active tuberculosis. We examine the historical antecedents of this situation in order to assign ethical responsibility for the present situation. Examining the antecedents in terms of Galtung’s dialectic of personal versus structural violence, we can identify instances in the history of the Marshall Islands when individual subjects made decisions with large-scale ecologic, social, and health consequences. The roles of medical experimenters, military commanders, captains of the weapons industry in particular, (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 1.Cyrus Lee, Sheldon Stoff, Thomas R. Berg, John Georgeoff, David A. Shiman, Gene D. Alsup, Wayne G. Bragg, Librado K. Vasquez, Katherine Sun, Phyllis I. Danielson, Sherry L. Willis, Felix F. Billingsley, Robert Hoppock, Richard G. Durnin, Spencer J. Maxcy, Roger J. Fitzgerald, Robert D. Brown, William Duffy & J. F. Townley - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):8-21.
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    The sixth annual meeting of the american philosophical association.William James, Halbert Hains Britan, George H. Sabine, John Grier Hibben, G. A. Tawney, Charles M. Bakewell, W. H. Sheldon, Ernest Albee, Lewis F. Hite, I. W. Riley, A. T. Ormond, F. C. French & Walter G. Everett - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (3):64-76.
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    On a Realistic Theory for Quantum Physics.Sheldon Goldstein - unknown
    future evolution of the field. These ideas thou h old 'th k oug o, are ei er un nown oz misunderstood, Our point here is that a stron realistic os". g ' ' posi'.ion has consequences: it offers a completely natural..
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  16. Du combat de la piété à la confession du sang. Ambroise de Milan lecteur critique du IVe Livre des Maccabées.G. Nauroy - 1990 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 70 (1):49-68.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]William H. Goetzmann, William Duffy, Jennings L. Wagoner Jr, Roman A. Bernert, Charles D. Biebel, Dorothy Carrington, Richard G. Durnin, Sheldon Rothblatt, David E. Denton, Hyman Kuritz, Nubuo Shimahara, William Hare, Frederick M. Schultz, Floyd K. Wright, Wiiliam Vaughan, Harold B. Dunkel, Michael B. Mcmahon, Owen E. Pittenger, Stephan Michelson, Kal I. Gezi, Lawrence D. Klein, Yale Mandel & Samuel L. Woodward - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (1):28-44.
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    Non-Professional Healthcare Workers and Ethical Obligations to Work during Pandemic Influenza.H. Draper, T. Sorell, J. Ives, S. Damery, S. Greenfield, J. Parry, J. Petts & S. Wilson - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (1):23-34.
    Most academic papers on ethics in pandemics concentrate on the duties of healthcare professionals. This paper will consider non-professional healthcare workers: do they have a moral obligation to work during an influenza pandemic? If so, is this an obligation that outweighs others they might have, e.g., as parents, and should such an obligation be backed up by the coercive power of law? This paper considers whether non-professional healthcare workers—porters, domestic service workers, catering staff, clerks, IT support workers, etc.—have an obligation (...)
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    Chimera II: The Margins of Mutual Comprehension.Sheldon Sacks - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 2 (4):iii-vi.
    The publication in this issue of Leonard B. Meyer’s superbly detailed analysis of the Trio of Mozart’s G Minor Symphony became the occasion of us to reexamine and restate some of the general aims of Critical Inquiry. From its inception Critical Inquiry was based on the assumption that we can indeed understand each other, at least to the point where critical exchange becomes meaningful and fruitful. It is this belief, for example, that has led us to eschew the more fiery (...)
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    Ann R. Hawkins & Maura Ives (eds), Women Writers and the Artifacts of Celebrity in the Long Nineteenth Century.Nicole G. Albert - 2014 - Clio 40:293-296.
    Situé au carrefour des études culturelles et visuelles (cultural and visual studies), de l’histoire matérielle (material history), de l’histoire du livre et de l’édition, et de la littérature, l’ouvrage publié sous la direction de Ann R. Hawkins et Maura Ives (toutes deux dix-neuvièmistes, spécialistes à la fois de la bibliographie et des women’s studies) regroupe douze études savantes qui brossent un large panorama de la situation littéraire, sociale et symbolique des écrivaines de langue an...
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  21. Deflating consciousness: A critical review of Fred Dretske's naturalizing the mind.Paul Sheldon Davies - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (4):541-550.
    Fred Dretske asserts that the conscious or phenomenal experiences associated with our perceptual states—e.g. the qualitative or subjective features involved in visual or auditory states—are identical to properties that things have according to our representations of them. This is Dretske's version of the currently popular representational theory of consciousness . After explicating the core of Dretske's representational thesis, I offer two criticisms. I suggest that Dretske's view fails to apply to a broad range of mental phenomena that have rather distinctive (...)
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    (1 other version)A definition of causation: A reply to professor Sheldon.H. G. Hartmann - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (24):655-667.
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    Any Given We.Scott G. Nelson - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (1):23-46.
    Democracy and the state are two political notions that have come under considerable duress in late modernity. This paper considers a prominent critic of both, Sheldon Wolin. The paper examines three elements that figure in Wolin's analyses of democracy and the modern state in a central way: community, memory, and the culture of history. A theorisation of these elements can illuminate what is at stake in the articulation of political conceptions that yield communal forms through the constitution of political (...)
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    Monnaies du Péloponnèse dans la collection de la Fondation du monde hellénique.Eleni G. Papaefthymiou - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:683-693.
    Nous présentons 21 monnaies du Péloponnèse appartenant à la collection de la Fondation du monde hellénique (FHW), qui fut achetée en novembre 2007 au collectionneur allemand K. E. Reinhard Donat. Dans cette collection sont représentés les ateliers suivants : Corinthe, un statère et deux pièces en bronze du ive‑iiie s. av. J.‑C. ; Sicyone, un triobole et deux pièces en bronze datant respectivement du ive s., du iie s. et du ier s. av. J.‑C. ; Aegira, une pièce en bronze (...)
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    Menander's Dramatic Technique and the Law of Athens.P. G. McC Brown - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (2):412-420.
    ‘Menander has set up a confrontation between this law [the law about epikleroi] and love… He wants the audience to regard the law as stupid and wrong… Surely one of Menander's purposes in writing this play was to make the Athenians consider seriously whether the law ought to be changed.’ Thus Professor D. M. MacDowell in the concluding paragraph of his article ‘Love versus the Law: an Essay on Menander's Aspis’. A similar view was already implicit in E. Karabelias' treatment (...)
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    Revised Robertson's test theory of special relativity.José G. Vargas - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (7):625-651.
    The only test theory used by workers in the field of testing special relativity to analyze the significance of their experiments is the proof by H. P. Robertson [Rev. Mod. Phys. 21, 378 (1949)] of the Lorentz transformations from the results of the experimental evidence. Some researchers would argue that the proof contains an unwarranted assumption disguised as a convention about synchronization procedures. Others would say that alternative conventions are possible. In the present paper, no convention is used, but the (...)
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    Étude iconographique sur un thème de la toreutique.Éliane G. Raftopoulou - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):259-281.
    Publication d'un miroir à boîte, provenant d'une tombe fortuitement découverte à Lamia en 1983. Le type du miroir et l'étude iconographique et comparative de la représentation en relief du couvercle se rapportant à une scène dionysiaque mettent en évidence son caractère attique, ainsi que sa datation aux environs du dernier quart du ive s. av. J.-C. Les éléments iconographiques analysés ici sont rapprochés de parallèles provenant tant de la sculpture et de la céramique que des terres cuites et des bronzes. (...)
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    Nonrelativistic para-Lorentzian mechanics.J. G. Vargas - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (3-4):235-278.
    After reviewing the foundations of special relativity and the room left for rival theories, a set of nonrelativistic para-Lorentzian transformations is derived uniquely, based on (a) a weaker first principle, (b) the requirement that the transformations sought do not give rise to the clock “paradox” (in a refined version), and (c) the compliance of the transformations with the classical experiments of Michelson-Morley, Kennedy-Thorndike, and Ives-Stilwell. The corresponding dynamics is developed. Most of the experimental support of special relativity is reconsidered (...)
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    Aldous Huxley and the Sheldonian hypothesis.L. G. A. Calcraft - 1980 - Annals of Science 37 (6):657-671.
    For a period of almost twenty years Aldous Huxley made use in his novels and biographies of the theories of physique and character developed by the psychometrist William Sheldon. This is most clearly seen in the novel Time must have a stop, whose characters follow Sheldon's theories in the most intricate and precise fashion. Huxley's use of Sheldon's work in this novel will be examined, and his motives for embarking on this relatively rare use of science in (...)
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    À propos d'une série exceptionnelle de grands bronzes thasiens (fin IVe - début IIIe siècle).François de Callataÿ & Caroline Mattheeuws - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (1):481-490.
    Numismatique François de Callatay et Caroline Mattheeuws, À propos d'une série exceptionnelle de grands bronzes thasiens (fin ive- début me siècle) p. 481-490 L'acquisition par le Cabinet des Médailles de Bruxelles d'un lot de trente-cinq grands bronzes thasiens aux types «Tête de Déméter/Bustes des Dioscures» permet d'affiner la connaissance de cette émission exceptionnelle. Tous les exemplaires sont contremarques et beaucoup présentent des traces de surfrappe. L'étude du style combinée à celle des poids permet de déceler une manipulation monétaire qui avait (...)
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  31. Die Spätphilosophie J.G. Fichtes 2: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (15.-27. September 1997) in Schulpforte in Verbindung Mit der Landesschule Pforta Und Dem Istituto Per Gli Studi Filosofici Napoli.Wolfgang H. Schrader (ed.) - 2000 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Vorwort. Abendvortrag. Wolfgang JANKE: Besonnenheit. Der philosophiegeschichtliche Ort von Fichtes Spätphilosophie. Sektion I: Phasen der Spätphilosophie 1800-1812. Ives RADRIZZANI: Die Bestimmung des Menschen: der Wendepunkt zur Spätphilosophie. Daniel BREAZEALE: Die Neue Bearbeitung der Wissenschaftslehre : Letzte »frühere« oder erste »spätere« Wissenschaftslehre? Toshio HONDA: Vom »Tun« zum »Sehen«. Reinhard LOOCK: Das Bild des absoluten Seins beim frühen und späten Fichte. Karen GLOY: Fichtes Dialektiktypen. Sektion II: Grundfragen. Jürgen STOLZENBERG: Zum Theorem der Selbstvernichtung des absoluten Wissens in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von (...)
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    “Die” Spätphilosophie J. G. Fichtes: Tagung der Internationalen J.G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (15. - 27. September 1997) in Schulpforte in Verbindung Mit der Landesschule Pforta Und Dem Istituto Per Gli Studi Filosofici.Wolfgang H. Schrader (ed.) - 2000 - Atlanta, GA: Brill | Rodopi.
    Inhalt: Vorwort. Abendvortrag. Wolfgang JANKE: Besonnenheit. Der philosophiegeschichtliche Ort von Fichtes Spätphilosophie. Sektion I: Phasen der Spätphilosophie 1800-1812. Ives RADRIZZANI: Die Bestimmung des Menschen: der Wendepunkt zur Spätphilosophie. Daniel BREAZEALE: Die Neue Bearbeitung der Wissenschaftslehre : Letzte »frühere« oder erste »spätere« Wissenschaftslehre? Toshio HONDA: Vom »Tun« zum »Sehen«. Reinhard LOOCK: Das Bild des absoluten Seins beim frühen und späten Fichte. Karen GLOY: Fichtes Dialektiktypen. Sektion II: Grundfragen. Jürgen STOLZENBERG: Zum Theorem der Selbstvernichtung des absoluten Wissens in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von (...)
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    Realität und Gewißheit: Tagung der Internationalen J.-G.-Fichte-Gesellschaft (6.-9. Oktober 1992) in Rammenau in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Istituto per gli Studi Filosofici (Neapel).Helmut Girndt & Wolfgang H. Schrader (eds.) - 1994 - BRILL.
    Inhalt: Klaus HAMMACHER: Nachruf auf Dr. Richard Schottky. Edit DÜSING: Johannes Schurr zum Gedenken. TEIL I. Jürgen STOLZENBERG: Fichtes Satz »Ich bin«. Argumentanalytische Überlegungen zu Paragraph 1 der Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre von 1794/95. Kunihiko NAGASAWA: Intellektuelle Anschauung und Dialektik. Sven JÜRGENSEN: Die Unterscheidung der Realität in Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre von 1794. Wilhelm METZ: Fichtes genetische Deduktion von Raum undä Zeit in Differenz zu Kant. Peter ROHS: Über die Zeit als das Mittelglied zwischen dem Intelligiblen und dem Sinnlichen. Daniel BREAZEALE: Philosophy (...)
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    A systematic review of empirical bioethics methodologies.Rachel Davies, Jonathan Ives & Michael Dunn - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):15.
    Despite the increased prevalence of bioethics research that seeks to use empirical data to answer normative research questions, there is no consensus as to what an appropriate methodology for this would be. This review aims to search the literature, present and critically discuss published Empirical Bioethics methodologies.
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    Are instantaneous velocities real and really instantaneous?: an argument for the affirmative.Sheldon R. Smith - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (2):261-280.
  36. Should selecting saviour siblings be banned?S. Sheldon - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):533-537.
    By using tissue typing in conjunction with preimplantation genetic diagnosis doctors are able to pick a human embryo for implantation which, if all goes well, will become a “saviour sibling”, a brother or sister capable of donating life-saving tissue to an existing child.This paper addresses the question of whether this form of selection should be banned and concludes that it should not. Three main prohibitionist arguments are considered and found wanting: the claim that saviour siblings would be treated as commodities; (...)
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    Methodology, Epistemology, and Empirical Bioethics Research: A Constructive/ist Commentary.Michael Dunn & Jonathan Ives - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):93-95.
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    Fallacious, misleading and unhelpful: The case for removing ‘systematic review’ from bioethics nomenclature.Giles Birchley & Jonathan Ives - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (6):635-647.
    Attempts to conduct systematic reviews of ethical arguments in bioethics are fundamentally misguided. All areas of enquiry need thorough and informative literature reviews, and efforts to bring transparency and systematic methods to bioethics are to be welcomed. Nevertheless, the raw materials of bioethical articles are not suited to methods of systematic review. The eclecticism of philosophy may lead to suspicion of philosophical methods in bioethics. Because bioethics aims to influence medical and scientific practice it is tempting to adopt scientific language (...)
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  39. Tales from the Crypt: On the Role of Death in Life.Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg & Tom Pyszczynski - 1998 - Zygon 33 (1):9-43.
    An existential psychodynamic theory is presented based on Ernest Becker's claim that self‐esteem and cultural worldviews function to ameliorate the anxiety associated with the uniquely human awareness of vulnerability and mortality. Psychological equanimity is hypothesized to require (1) a shared set of beliefs about reality that imbues the universe with stability, meaning, and permanence; (2) standards by which individuals can judge themselves to be of value; and (3) promises of safety and the transcendence of death to those who meet the (...)
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  40. A Plea for Descriptive Social Ontology.Kathrin Koslicki & Olivier Massin - 2023 - Synthese 202 (Special Issue: The Metametaphysi):1-35.
    Social phenomena—quite like mental states in the philosophy of mind—are often regarded as potential troublemakers from the start, particularly if they are approached with certain explanatory commitments, such as naturalism or social individualism, already in place. In this paper, we argue that such explanatory constraints should be at least initially bracketed if we are to arrive at an adequate non-biased description of social phenomena. Legitimate explanatory projects, or so we maintain, such as those of making the social world fit within (...)
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    Author's response.Sheldon Smith - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (2):283.
  42. Quantum mechanics and consciousness.G. D. Wasserman - 1983 - Nature and System 5 (March-June):3-16.
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    The regulatory cliff edge between contraception and abortion: the legal and moral significance of implantation.Sally Sheldon - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (9):762-765.
  44. The spirituality of time.W. H. Sheldon - 1926 - Journal of Philosophy 23 (6):141-154.
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  45. The soul and matter.W. H. Sheldon - 1922 - Philosophical Review 31 (2):103-134.
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    The Unsatisfactoriness of the Classification of Duties and Virtues in Many of the Modern Treatises on Ethics.Walter L. Sheldon - 1907 - International Journal of Ethics 18 (1):43-62.
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    (1 other version)The vice of modern philosophy.W. H. Sheldon - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 12 (1):5-16.
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    Universals: A reply.Wilmon H. Sheldon - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (26):711-713.
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    What Attitude Should the Pulpit Take to the Labor Problem?W. L. Sheldon - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (4):439-461.
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    Women's Daily Lives and Equal Opportunity Policies: Central and Eastern European Societies in Transition.Sally Sheldon - 1994 - European Journal of Women's Studies 1 (1):116-118.
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